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This installation stating Walking and Critical Engagement with Space: Embodied walking encourages us to critically engage with the spaces we navigate. It prompts questions about the territory and highlighting issues of inclusivity, social justice, and power dynamics within spatial configurations.

The Reframing of Territory:

Traditional notions of territory often revolve around static borders and sovereignty. Embodied walking challenges this by emphasizing the dynamic and evolving nature of territory. It suggests that territory is not just a fixed concept but a lived experience shaped by human interaction with the environment.

This work underscores the transformative potential of embodied walking in the context of political geography. By engaging with nature, space, politics, and territory in a holistic and embodied manner, we can reframe key concepts and foster a deeper, more profound understanding of our relationship with the world around us.

Local knowleges (walking/talking/resistance/gesture [installation view]



Medium :Acylic ,Watercolor, charcoal,graphite,pastel,photographs,glue ,collage painting on paper installed on plywood,

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