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The Loop of Disruption

The Loop of Disruption" is a personal and conceptual exploration that reflects the complexities of contemporary life. This 10-second video captures my friend, whom I met during my travels, engaged in the simple act of sweeping the street. Using Blender's force field modifier, the visual frame is intentionally stretched and distorted, creating a flexible, almost liquid representation of the scene. This manipulation challenges the viewer’s perception, transforming an everyday task into a moment of tension and instability.​​The added airplane sounds and subtle camera shake further amplify the sense of disorientation, symbolizing the external forces that disrupt and distort our lived realities. By recontextualizing this familiar action, the work critiques the overlooked disturbances that shape our existence, questioning the boundaries between the real and the artificial. In this way, the video aligns with the counter-critical experiments of contemporary art, where ordinary moments are reimagined to expose the fragile balance between order and chaos, inviting viewers to reflect on the unseen forces that influence their daily lives.

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