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Collective Consciousness


'In an age where digital echoes reverberate through the corridors of our collective consciousness, this piece is a  dance between thoughts, acts, and words that define our socio-political era. Through  technology, artistry, and social commentary, this experiment work inviting you into a realm where disparate voices converge in a harmonious symphony of expression'


This work is a visual and auditory exploration of the pulsating waves of contemporary discourse. By compiling screenshots of tweets from a diverse array of individuals, the piece captures the essence of our shared human experience, encapsulating the raw emotions, fervent opinions, and critical perspectives that define our times. These individual tweets, though obscured from direct view, find new life within the undulating expanse of a vast, blackened wave—an oceanic metaphor for the ever-shifting currents of our collective consciousness.

As viewers immerse themselves in the hypnotic movements of this fluid wave, they are invited to contemplate the intricacies of human interaction and societal dynamics. Each ripple represents a fragment of thought, a spark of insight, or a ripple of emotion, interwoven into the fabric of the larger whole. Through its choreography and symbolism, the piece trying  challenges viewers to navigate the complexities of our world, confronting the fluidity of perception and the boundless depths of human expression.


In a political context, the work serves as a commentary on the aftermath of periods of social or political upheaval. The "storm of anger" depicted through chaotic, overlapping tweets symbolizes periods of protest, unrest, or dissatisfaction with the current political climate. The mention of "laying blame on ordinary folks" reflects the tendency for those in power to scapegoat regular citizens for societal problems, rather than addressing systemic issues or taking responsibility themselves.

The scenario of a panicked citizen seeking guidance during a crisis, juxtaposed with the response of "Ensure silence on social media," critiques leadership that prioritizes controlling public discourse or maintaining a façade of stability over addressing root causes of crises. This resonates with the public's desire for genuine leadership and direction in times of turmoil.

Post-crisis, the sentiment of "breathing easier" and feeling a "gradual revolution" signifies a shift towards optimism and hope as situations stabilize or reforms are implemented. The notion of "a promise in each moment" and "a strong sense of resistance in the air" captures the growing awareness and determination among the populace to bring about positive change and hold those in power accountable.


Video Installation Demo

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