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Sculptural Stasis 2024​

2 panel 3d video installation 4K ​​​



This installation operates at the convergence of sculpture, cinema, and virtual space, exploring the tension between constructed and perceived realities. Through the juxtaposition of two looping video sequences, the work invites contemplation of oppositions—color, form, and space—while resisting resolution.​​In the first video, vividly rendered red and blue figures, archetypes of division, occupy a green room that alludes to the cinematic process of chroma keying. Here, the green room is not simply a backdrop, but a symbol of potentiality—an unmarked canvas where realities are continuously constructed and reconstructed. The figures remain immobile, yet the looping camera encircles them in an endless cycle, suggesting the perpetual readiness for transformation, though none occurs. The stasis becomes a metaphor for the rigidity of identity and conflict, awaiting external manipulation, yet never breaking free from the constraints of imposed narrative frameworks.​​The second video shifts into a diffused, yellow-tinged space, where the soldiers dissolve into their environment, their colors indeterminate, their forms blending with the ambient atmosphere. The figures are stripped of their distinctness, and in this mist, distinctions blur. The absence of clear boundaries between subject and space evokes a sense of erasure, a quiet dissolution of the constructs that once defined them. The repetition of the camera’s orbit reinforces the cyclicality of ambiguity, where meaning evades capture, and the relationship between figure and ground remains fluid, unresolved.​​By framing the green room as a site of both creation and control, and contrasting it with the dissolution in the yellowed mist, the installation reflects on the fragility of identity, the arbitrariness of opposition, and the ways in which both are subject to the mechanics of perception and representation. The work operates as a conceptual inquiry into how realities are crafted—whether through cinema, cultural symbols, or visual space—and how these constructions, once set in motion, rarely resolve into fixed meanings.

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